Senin, 28 Januari 2019

PLN Plans to Acquire More Coal Mines

Hello, friends.. Wellcome back to my blog. Today, I want to share my article that I had read yesterday.

PLN plans to ensure a long-term supply of coal-fired power plants by acquiring two coal mining sites in Kalimantan and Sumatra.

This year, said Sofyan, Managing Director of PLN, PLN set a target to secure 100 million tons of coal.

 "We hope that at least 30 percent of our total coal supply will come from our mines, while the rest will be from private miners," Sofyan added.

The government is trying to produce 35 gigawatts this year because it aims to increase the electrification ratio to 99 percent in the islands. (das / dmr)

That's all from me. Hope that this article can increase your knowledge. Don't forget to comment💞

Source :

Minggu, 13 Januari 2019


Sirius, also called Alpha Canis Major or The Dog Star. Its name comes from a Greek word meaning "sparkling" or "scorching". Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky, with apparent visual magnitude -1.46. It's a binary star in the constellation Canis Major. The companion star sirius is small white dwarf star called Sirius B (smaller than earth). As a class A star, sirius has a radius 1.71 times than our Sun and it shine with absolute magnitude 20 times the Sun's luminosity. The temperature of Sirius is 9.940 kelvins (K), which is more than 4.000 K higher than the Sun. Its distance from the solar system is 8.6 light-years, only twice the distance of the nearest known star systesm beyond the Sun, the Alpha Centauri system. That's why Sirius looks brighter than other stars.

In view from the Earth, Sirius is located in the direction of the constellations Canis Major. In Indonesia, the constellations that can be observed in the eastern sky during January about one hour after sunset.

Sirius will be very easy to find because Sirius will be very bright compared to the other star.

Source :

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